Challenge № 1

Challenge № 1

Hello! Now I will tell you about my first challenge. The task was to ask a person in the street how to get somewhere. 

Well, I diceded to ask how to get to a place where I can print out my homework. I roamed about the street and noticed a woman. She seemed to be very serious and angry. To make my challenge more difficult I decided to ask her a rout. I was afraid that her answer will be rude or she will not aswer me at all. I came to her and asked her . I was surprised when she smiled and me and explained me where to go. I felt relief. 

After this situating I will not be afraid to ask unfamiliar people.


  1. This was written well. There were like a few things I noticed, such as spelling and the structure of a few sentences. However, it was really good. I think you did awesome. (Dorothy)


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