Evaluating speech comtent conponent

Evaluating speech content component

Hello! I want to present you the chart of 3 persuasive speeches. The topic is "If today were the last day of my life would I want to do what I am about to do?". This question made me think and I was eager to know other people's opinion about this question. 

Speech № 2 takes the first prize in my chart. I liked the language and the examples. This speech really persuaded me. The ideas of the speaker coincides with mine.
Now I am going to evaluate this speech.
1. Introduction
  • What technique(s) was used in the introduction (attention-getter)? 
There's a story from the novel which leads to the thesis. It's both an attention-getter and a link element.
  • Was the thesis statement given?
Yes, it was given directly.
  • How effective was the introduction?
Very effective (10)
2. Body
  • How well structured was the information presented?
Highly organized (10)
  • What organizational structure was used in the body of the speech?
The speaker used phrases as "Let's begin with suffering ...", "The second thing ..."
  • How understandable was the information?
The information was clearly explained (10)
  • Quality of point - support 
Lots of (10)
  • Use of facts, illustrations, examples, stories.
There is lots of facts, illustrations, examples (10)
  • Was it coherent?
10 points
3. Conclusion
  • What technique(s) was used in the conclusion?
The speaker used a quote which sums the whole speech up in the conclusion.
  • Were all the steps followed (summary, action, emotional appeal)?
Yes, they were.
  • How effective was the conclusion?
The conclusion is very effective (10)

Speech № 3 takes the second prize in my chart.
1. Introduction
  • What technique(s) was used in the introduction (attention-getter)? 
The question is an attention-getter.
  • Any link element?
The link elements are the brief description of the stories the speaker is going to tell.
  • Was the thesis statement given?
Yes, it was given directly.
  • How effective was the introduction?
Very effective (8)
2. Body
  • How well structured was the information presented?
Highly organized (8)
  • What organizational structure was used in the body of the speech?
The speaker divided the information in 3 parts: the story obout the childhoood, the school, the present.
  • How understandable was the information?
The information was clearly explained (9)
  • Quality of point - support 
Some (7)
  • Use of facts, illustrations, examples, stories.
There is some facts, illustrations, examples (7)
  • Was it coherent?
10 points
3. Conclusion
  • What technique(s) was used in the conclusion?
There is an open question in the conclusion which makes the auditory think about the main statement of the speech.
  • Were all the steps followed (summary, action, emotional appeal)?
There is only a summary, but there is no enotional appeal and action.
  • How effective was the conclusion?
There is some conclusion (6), but it was not enough to sum the speech up.

Speech № 1 takes the third place in my chart.
1. Introduction
  • What technique(s) was used in the introduction (attention-getter)? 
The question is an attention-getter.
  • Any link element?
In the introduction the speaker names the ideas he is going to speak about.
  • Was the thesis statement given?
Yes, it was given directly.
  • How effective was the introduction?
Very effective (8)
2. Body
  • How well structured was the information presented?
Highly organized (10)
  • What organizational structure was used in the body of the speech?
The speakerused phrases as "Let's start with...", "Now let's look at the second important thing", etc. that helps to follow the ideas the speaker present.
  • How understandable was the information?
The information was clearly explained (8)
  • Quality of point - support 
Some (7)
  • Use of facts, illustrations, examples, stories.
There is some facts, illustrations, examples (7), it was not enough for me.
  • Was it coherent?
10 points
3. Conclusion
  • What technique(s) was used in the conclusion?
In the conclusion the speaker used a quote which was appropriate.
  • Were all the steps followed (summary, action, emotional appeal)?
There is only a summary and an action , but there is no enotional appeal .
  • How effective was the conclusion?
Very effective (8)
