Heuristic Methods and Creative Writing
1 task
The task is to think about a letter and name as many 10 objects that start with this letter.
Letter G: gate, glue, gold, gorilla, grass, goose, guest, gym, girl, glove.
2 task
The task is to write a paragraph using 5 random words.
It was a grotesque situation. A man went to a butcher to buy some raw flour to bake a billion buns. But there was no raw flour in the butcher's. So, the man bought half a kilogram of beef, sad prayer and thanked God for this meat and went home.
3 task
The task is to imagine a problematic situation and think of possible (or impossible) solutions.
What if there were no desks in the classrooms, but only beanbags?
1. Children would sit in a circle to see each other.
2. They would write on the blackboard.
3. Children would use their gadgets to write something.
4. Children would be allowed to go around during the lesson if they will not feel comfortable sitting in beanbags.
5. Children would use beanbags to play active games in English.
6. I would use comunicative tasks.
7. Children would watch films and cartoons in English.
4 task. Six thinking hats
The task is to use the method of 6 thinking hats to come up with ideas for the speech "Students should be taught 2 or more foreign languages."
White thinking hat. This hat covers facts, figures, information needs, and gaps.
It is well known fact that children are able to learn more than one foreign language.
Red thinking hat. This hat covers
intuition, feelings, and emotions. The red hat allows the thinker to put
forward an intuition without any need to justify it.
If a child wants to learn languages, we should not prevent it. But we do not have to make children to learn languages if they do not want to do this.
Black thinking hat. This is the hat of judgment and logic. It is used to point out why a suggestion does not fit the facts.
When children learn foreign language, espacially more than one, it may lead to confusions such as using English words while speaking French. Sometimes children began to have problems with mother tongue.
Yellow thinking hat. This is the hat of optimism. Why something will work, and why it will offer benefits.
There are a lot of chidren who knows even 7(!!!!) foreign languages.
Green thinking hat. This is the hat of creativity, alternatives, proposals, provocations, and changes.
To talk about changes in education, I want to suggest inviting native speakers to the lessons. It would be interesting and motivating for students. Also, lessons should be creative, interesting and unusual.
Blue thinking hat. This is the hat of overview, and analysis. In technical terms, you look over your final product and see if it makes sense.
If I would add some more facts and information to each point, my speech would be more persuasive.
Thank you, Anya. You certainly did well today.
ОтветитьУдалитьA short feedback:
1) I like the story you made up with the random words, it’s really funny.
2) You got all the hats right, I like your ideas.
Thank you!