Persuasive speech
Hello! It seems that I recently gave my first public speech, but time is running fast, and it is time to prepare for my final persuasive speech. It took me a lot of time to decide what topic I want to speak about. I thought that this speech should be interesting and useful for my groupmates. As all of us are busy with our homework and sometimes we do not have enough time for this, I decided to choose the topic about organization.
When I do not have time for my homework I become nervous and it is really stressful for me. I am afraid of lagging behind and having problems with exams.I think time management and good organization may help people to avoid this problem.
The topic is "Beeing organized will help students to avoid stress"
The topic is "Beeing organized will help students to avoid stress"
The purpose of my speech is to help my auditory to be well organized.
- to teach my groupmates how to organize their time
- to explain that time management will help to avoid stress
- to share some useful recommendations how to manage with all the tasks
That sounds like a pretty helpful topic for your audience. Good luck!