Speech Structure: Building the Body and Polishing the Conclusion
Hello! As I prepare for my final persuasive speech I must know how to deliver my thoughts in a right way. I suppose the following tasks will help me to understand how to make the body and the conclusion of the speech.
1. Psycological issue: who is successful here and why?
A. Research work in some educational organizations and private companies
B. Grit is a significant predictor of success.
a) Grit is sticking to your future
b) Grit is living the life like a marathon not sprint
C. Questionairre about grit at school
2. We know little about grit
A. Talent doesn't make you gritty
3. "Growth mindset" is one of the best idea to build grit
A. Ability to learn can be change by an effort
B. Pupils should know that failure is not something permanent
We need to be gritter to about getting our kids gritter
Task 1
The task is to watch a video and make its outline.
“Grit: The power of passion and perseverance” by Angela Lee Duckworth at TED Talks Education https://www.ted.com/talks/angela_lee_duckworth_grit_the_power_of_passion_and_perseverance
1. I was a Math teacher for 7th graders
A. The IQ was not the only difference between my best and my worst students
B. Every of my students could learn the material if they worked hard enough
C. We need much better understanding of students and learning from a motivational perspective and psycological perspective.
A. Research work in some educational organizations and private companies
B. Grit is a significant predictor of success.
a) Grit is sticking to your future
b) Grit is living the life like a marathon not sprint
C. Questionairre about grit at school
2. We know little about grit
A. Talent doesn't make you gritty
3. "Growth mindset" is one of the best idea to build grit
A. Ability to learn can be change by an effort
B. Pupils should know that failure is not something permanent
We need to be gritter to about getting our kids gritter
Task 2
The task is to write a conclusion for the following text.
How to Communicate Effectively
Establishing and developing effective communication is important in
order to be heard and change your environment according to your own
thoughts. No one will guess what you want or what you think if you don’t
tell them, and nothing is going to change if you do not propose a
change. The purpose of my speech is to discuss three important skills
that will help you communicate effectively. Such skills are not to be
afraid of speaking, express exactly what you mean to say, and listen
while you are not speaking.
The first aspect to communicate effectively is not to be afraid of
speaking. Anytime you need to say something, go ahead and do it. Most of
the times people are afraid of speaking because they are not sure if it
is the right thing to say or the right moment to say it. Be sure, say
what you want to say, and do not regret it. If you speak you will be
heard and taken into account. You are important so you need to be heard.
There is one thing you should not do somehow: Do not say something that
will hurt somebody’s feelings. Unless that something has to be said
inevitably, say it, but as softly and gently as you can. Never hurt
anyone intentionally. Always think twice before saying something. You
choose what to say, just be sure to say the right thing at the right
time. If you do that, you won’t regret a thing.
The second main aspect of effective communication is to express exactly
what you mean to say. Pick up the words that will express exactly what
you are thinking of. Do not forget that one half of a word belongs to
the listener and the other to the speaker. The listener gets their own
version of what is said. However your job is to express yourself
clearly, so that you can avoid misunderstandings. Although, avoiding
misunderstandings is a hard task (not impossible), when it is achieved
you will be expressing yourself effectively. Everybody will be able to
identify exactly what you say, what you think, and what you want. Words
are double edged weapons which can be used either to defend or to
attack. If you make a good use of them, you will be able to do almost
The third main point to effective communication, and probably the most
important of all, is the listening part. Listen and do not interrupt
when it is no longer your turn to speak. You will surely learn new
things from listening to others. If a person is speaking, it’s because
she or he wants to be heard. Effective communication is based on both
listening and speaking. If communication were based only on speaking, it
would be an absolute tyranny. Nevertheless, communication is the means
through which you express yourself in order to be heard and change your
environment according to your own version of reality. Thus, it would be
impossible to change anything if there were no one to listen, learn, and
accept new ideas. Listening is a gift, and good listeners are always
appreciated because there are only a few.
(Conclusion) So, if you really want to be heard, remember that all people are the same and unique at the same time. We all want to be heard, but it is hard for us to listen to each other. Try to listen to other people and of course you will be heard. Each person is unique in his thoughts and ideas. Do not be afraid of sharing them with people around you. Our difference may also cause misunderstanding, but expressing your thought clearly would help you to avoid this. Follow this recommendations and remember that even one word may change a world around you.
This is a really good conclusion. But see, the first two sentences kind of repeat the idea in the 3rd paragraph in the body (about the importance of listening). So I suggest that you just erase these two sentences and leave only the following text as a conclusion:
ОтветитьУдалить"Each person is unique in his thoughts and ideas. Do not be afraid of sharing them with people around you. Our difference may also cause misunderstanding, but expressing your thought clearly would help you to avoid this. Follow this recommendations and remember that even one word may change a world around you."
Thank you!